Had wanted to write an explanation on the Banner photo at meekfreak for sometime. The significance/symbolism of clouds against the blue sky:
- of imagination: imagining the clouds are of etc etc shapes...
- of surrealism: the blue sky to me - and to some of the surrealists - are representative of the surrealist movement. It's like how the simpsons opens their credits with the white clouds and blue sky.
- of an elephant: I don't know why so coincidental, I think this crop of the clouds shows an elephant at the back. If you don't know, I collect figurines of elephants and adopt it on many occasions as my "emblem" should I need one.
- of a little boy/girl with rabbit/donkey ears: can you see him? in the foreground, in the side profile, with his/her face resting on his little hands and sorta turned to talk to the elephant. So i think it's also representative of my stories with the little meekfreaks characters I write about - the little boy/girl characters with an odd quality or two.
- of jasperware: jasperware's the pottery kinda thing with white patterns against often blue background. The white fonts against that particular blue, reminds me of jasperware that i seen in my childhood and the adults told me not to touch cos it's expensive. I like them cos they are fragile and pretty and delicate. Sometimes, i try to re-create that feeling in my writing. the precision, the delicate elegant depictions.
When I took this picture, it was for the first 2 reasons listed above, but as I was working on it, then the other things came about. so, actually, i like the picture a lot.
Lately, i've been wondering if i should change my meekfreak's name to something less of a mouthful than "chattering matterings of the original meekfreak" and been toying with the idea of "rebranding" - changing my banner etc... but i think that the banner is really quite apt and I wonder if i should change it for the sake of changing.
I also think about writing more things to explain about my book and the deliberation behind some things, but i think it's significantly less important as compared to actually creating new work.
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